MRDS Sponsored Sessions: ICMS 2011

Conference Year: 

We hope you'll join us at the following sessions and events, part of the 46th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 12 to 15, 2011. See the complete conference program online.


Session 194. Lighting the Flame: Teaching Early Drama in the Undergraduate Classroom (A Roundtable)

Friday, May 12, 10:00 AM

Location: Fetzer 2020

Chair: Gloria J. Betcher (Iowa State University)


  • "'The Burgundians knew how to party!': Student Engagement with a Primary-Source-Based Unit on Medieval French, Flemish, and English Performance," Lofton Durham (Western Michigan University)
  • "'Can we do this all the time?": Forming a Medieval Drama Troupe." Elizabeth Ellzey (Shepherd University)
  • "What Is Medieval Spanish Drama Anyway?," Lori A. Bernard (SUNY-Geneseo)
  • "(Extra)Ordinary Women: Teaching Female Agency in Margery Kempe and the York Plays," Sheila Christie (Cape Breton University)
  • "The Text-Appeal of Medieval Drama for a Texting Generation," Alan Baragona (Virginia Military Institute)


Session 248. Proselytism and Performance across the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Friday, May 12, 1:30 PM

Location: Fetzer 2020

Chair: Jill Stevenson (Marymount Manhattan College)


  • "Proselytism and Performance in the Benediktbeuern Christmas Play," Sylvia Tomasch (Hunter College)
  • "'The Fall': Performing the Conquest in Colonial New Spain, 1538, and Madrid, 1689-1690," Michael A. Winkelman (Bowling Green State University)
  • "Performing Puritan in the Early Modern Public Sphere," Simon du Toit (Dordt College)


Session 306. Medieval Drama and the Apocrypha

Friday, May 12, 3:30 PM

Location: Fetzer 2020

Chair: Clifford Davidson, Western Michigan University)

  • "Performing the Book concerning the Childhood of the Savior (Liber de infantia salvatoris)," Mary Dzon (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)
  • "Transforming Sign into Drama: Apocryphal Exposition in the Chester Nativity Sequence," Carolyn Coulson-Grigsby (Shenandoah University)
  • "The Devil Has All the Best Tunes: Imagining Hell in the Towneley Plays," Pamela M. King (University of Bristol)


Session 365. Chester 2010: What Did We Learn? What’s Next? (A Roundtable)

Saturday, May 13, 10:00 AM

Location: Fetzer 2020

Chair: Carolyn Coulson-Grigsby (Shenandoah University)


  • Alexandra F. Johnston (University of Toronto;
  • Theresa Coletti (University  of Maryland;
  • J. Case Tompkins (Purdue University) 
  • Robert W. Barrett, Jr. (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
  • DonJohn Dugas (Kent State University)