We hope you'll join us at the following sessions and events, part of the 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 8 to 11, 2014. See the complete conference program online.
Session 293. New Approaches to Performance Practice: Process, Theory, Technique
Friday, May 9, 3:30 PM
Location: Schneider 1120
Chair: Carolyn Coulson (Shenandoah University)
- “'Who is that pypys so poore?': Adapting Medieval Drama for Modern Undergraduates," Bernard Lewis (Murray State University)
- "Relearning the Text through Performance Using Rowley’s Birth of Merlin," J. Case Tompkins (Purdue University)
- "Observations from an Accidental Experiment in Reconstructed Performance Conditions," Michelle Markey Butler (University of Maryland)
- "Cognitive Theatricality: Jongleuresque Imagination on the Early Spanish Stage," Bruce R. Burningham (Illinois State University)
- "Amateurs and Compensation in Medieval Performance and Revival," Matthew Sergi (University of Toronto)
Performance. "The Mystery of Saint Veronica" with post-show discussion
Saturday, May 10, 8:00 PM
Location: Valley I, Ackley 106
Chairs: Lofton L. Durham (Western Michigan University) and Carolyn Coulson (Shenandoah University)
The MRDS, in collaboration with the WMU Department of Theatre, presents a contemporary staging of an English translation of a medieval French play, "The Mystère de sainte Venice (The Mystery of Saint Veronica)." Enjoy the performance and stay for a post-show panel discussion featuring director and translator Lofton L. Durham, the performers, and MRDS respondent Carolyn Coulson, who will discuss issues ranging from text selection, translation issues, rehearsal process, and audience impact.
Session 521. Mobility
Sunday, May 11, 8:30 AM
Location: Bernhard 158
Chair: Susannah Crowder (John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY)
- "Moving Bodies, Invisible Threats: The Last Judgment as Affective Fact," Jill Stevenson (Marymount Manhattan College)
- "Preaching Rhetorical Invention: Poeta and Paul in the Digby Conversion of Saint Paul," Ann Hubert (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- "Gendered Movement and European History in the Digby Mary Magdalen," April M. Graham (Rutgers University)
Session 558. Staging Disability in Medieval Drama
Sunday, May 11, 10:30 AM
Location: Bernhard 158
Chair: Cameron Hunt McNabb (Southeastern University)
- “'I stumbled when I saw': Blindness and Genre on the Early English Stage," Joe Ricke (Taylor University)
- “But I see all these people here!”: Portraying Diminished Sight in the Middle Dutch Farce Lippijn," Mandy Lowell (Cornell University)
- "The View from Zacchaeus’s Sycamore: Perspectives on Disability in the Medieval English Biblical Plays," Joshua R. Eyler (Rice University)