
All MRDS members receive our biannual newsletter, which includes information about the latest research in early drama studies, upcoming conference presentations and performances, and awards opportunities. Members also receive periodic emails regarding matters relevant to the MRDS, as well as a copy of the annual journal ROMARD: Research on Medieval and Renaissance Drama. All members may vote in our annual elections and participate in our annual business meeting, held at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University.

The MRDS employs a confidential, income-adjusted structure for its membership dues. Members are invited to opt-in privately at the dues level that is appropriate for their income and circumstances of employment. The income from our membership dues supports the projects and endeavors represented in our central operating budget, including ROMARD, sponsored-session conference fees, and website hosting fees, among others. 


Student (one-year) $10.00 USD
Member (one-year) $50.00 USD
Member (three-year) $150.00 USD
Friend (one-year) $100.00 USD
Benefactor (one-year) $200.00 USD


Members can either start or renew their membership in one of two ways:

  1. Online using the PayPal form below (preferred).
  2. With a personal check, paid to Frank Napolitano, at the following address:
Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society
Radford University
English Department
Box 6935
Radford, VA 24142