The page provides some design guidance for members of the society charged with maintaining the social media and web presence of its activities and resources. The following images are also available on the in-house Google Drive folder available to executive council members.
The MRDS logo is directly inspired from a representaion of Pierre Gringoire, French playwright and poet. The original woodcut appears in his Menus propos de Mere Sotte, a copy of which can be found in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Rés. Ye-1335. All other icons provided by The Noun Project.
The colors are borrowed from a painted Albrect Dürer woodcut of the Apocolypse, held at the Houghton Library, Harvard University. The HEX values are as follows:
The MRDS banner combines the logo and text in two fonts: Charlemagne STD and Cambria.